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Hair Removal

Here at Envy Glow we tend to your skin's needs, including: Skin Rejuvenation, Hyperpigmentation, Active Acne, and Vascular Lesions.

Having the latest technology, our licensed estheticians will fulfill your needs with removal and growth of your hair.  Using the HORIZON Diode Laser, allows more efficient and stronger treatment.  It incorporates a sub-zero cooling tip which freezes and numbs pain receptors, allowing treatments to be performed at higher energy levels with virtually no pain.  This ensures that treatments are safe, comfortable and optimally effective.  

Stages of Hair Growth 

Laser hair removal is only effective during the Anagen or Active Growth Phase.  Since hair grows in different phases over time, a significant amount of hair is not removed by the initial treatment.  Additional laser treatments are required for the hairs that were in transition and resting phases as they progress to the Anagen Growth Phase.  

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